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June 20, 2005

20. Daisy

f13 0.3 sec

When I was out at Mud Lake with Dave yesterday, I did not find what I was looking for, so I was left to shoot some abstractions, pattern shots and this daisy. Wildflowers are usually not pristine and as such, often have spots on them, pollen littering their petals or even broken petals. All in all, this was was fairly nice.

Posted on June 20, 2005 06:00 AM | Permalink


I really love this picture - I'm a big fan of all types of daisies but this is one just looks so amazing!!
Awesome shot :o)

Posted by: Cindi Taylor at June 21, 2005 4:11 PM

Flowers are as close to perfect as nature gets! Great shots.

Posted by: Yvette at July 11, 2005 1:48 PM

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